

Robotics with Artificial Intelligence is interacting more and more with humans and the ethical issue is a recurrent subject in our profession. Robotics Place has decided to devote a White Paper to this subject, which you will be able to download soon on this page.

We have also collected the testimonies of robotics researchers who have given a lot of thought to this subject and we share their comments with you here.

Raja Chatila – Robotics Place interview on the theme of Ethics (in French)

Raja Chatila is a professor emeritus at the Sorbonne, he was director of the CNRS – LASS laboratory in Toulouse from 2007 to 2010 (just before the creation of Robotics Place) and he has held a chair at “The IEEE Global Initiative for Ethical Considerations in Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems” for more than 5 years. His profile on LinkedIn:

Catherine Tessier – Robotics Place interview on Ethics (in French)

Catherine Tessier is a Researcher and Scientific Integrity and Research Ethics Referent at ONERA. She joined ONERA in 1989, with 33 years of experience in high technology, robotics and AI. She has worked extensively on ethical issues and has contributed to the reflection in this field in several national committees. Her profile on LinkedIn:


Download the Robotics Place White Paper on Ethics (in French)

Please click on the logo below to access the White Paper: